Hello to all. Where to begin! Firstly we would like to wish everybody the best of health and let you know that we have taken our time, but we are so pleased to be finally writing this blog. As we all know, in March 2020 the need for social distancing increased and this meant that unfortunately, it was only right for us to clear our diary for the foreseeable future. The actions that were taken by the British government in locking down the whole country were unprecedented, and so was the decision for Cheshire Companions to close. Since 1991 we’ve prided ourselves on consistency and offering very best and most sought after service through the rain and the shine. But ultimately something comes way before all of that, and that is the health of our loyal ladies and clients. 

Well known for being the leading agency in the Manchester, North West, we knew from the very start we needed to keep a constant line to all team members so we could stay in touch, even though our doors were closed, that didn’t mean our communication had to cease. Our team never fails to disappoint. A few of our creative receptionists took the banter and fun from our office and found new ways to communicate as a team. With Daily WhatsApp conversations and updates, questions and as you can probably imagine all kinds of crazy Cheshire shenanigans. We’ve always referred to ourselves as the ‘Cheshire Family’ but it had never ever been more apparent until now!  

As I sit here today and write this for you all, it seems the world is slowly but certainly easing itself back into a kind of normality. Again we live in a world wherein which we can leisurely sit with our family in the park, or even nip to the pub. Still no gyms though (what a shame)! But it sure is a very different feeling indeed to what seems now like a lifetime ago. Only 60 minutes of exercise per day and the great 2020 ‘Loo Roll Revolution’. 

It’s official that businesses everywhere are opening their doors once more. Thinking outside the box and creating different strategies to provide their valued customers and staff alike with a safe environment in which they can resume their ‘regular’ lives as much as possible. At Cheshire, we have always been held in high regard for our professional and discreet service, and rest assured that we have taken all the steps necessary to mean that when we open our doors, safety can come first.

Cheshire Companions Escort Ashley


When is Cheshire Companions Reopening?

So when will we be opening our doors is the next question! What we can tell you is that with house visits once again becoming a common occurrence in people’s everyday lives, and other leading UK agencies opening by the day, we will be back sooner than you might think. Our ladies are very excited to return and they’ve missed all their favourite clients, so we know that we are going to be kept very busy when the time comes. 

We plan to open our office and turn on the phone lines so that we can be in direct contact with you again on July 6th 2020, phew!  We loved hearing from you all before, and we certainly can’t wait to talk to you again. As you may know, here at Cheshire Companions we have always recommended our discreet and reliable pre-book system, but now more than ever we recommend that you plan in advance to avoid disappointment. 

In the meantime, if you have any enquiries or would like to know a ladies availability for the future, then please drop us a text on our temporary line which is 07767737373. This number is very busy and therefore, unfortunately, we won’t be able to respond to calls. Please put your name and request in the message and we’ll come back to you asap.

So on that exciting note, we will leave you to the difficult decision of which lady you will see first. Have a great day, stay safe and stay sexy.

Love the Cheshire Team x