We have been very busy little bees in the CC office this week and we can’t wait to share what we have been up to. Always aiming to please (and always aiming high), we have listened to your requests, taken your comments on board and we are delighted to bring a brand-new feature to our Cheeky Companion’s blog.
Each week we will be featuring our very own “ESCORT OF THE WEEK” where we will be opening up the floor, as it were, to you – our darling clients. Ever been intrigued by one of our gorgeous girls, but not had the confidence to ask a certain question? Now is your chance (keep it moderately clean boys, we’re ladies after all).
We believe in giving reward where reward is due and that’s why it was an easy pick for our first-ever feature. This fabulous lady is the crème de la crème of companions, if you haven’t had the chance to meet her yet, you’re genuinely missing out.
Meet Naomi
Naughty Naomi. Two words we hear often in the CC office by a lot of very satisfied clients. This lady is pure unadulterated fun. Professional, playful and an absolute saucepot, we are very lucky Naomi has chosen to be part of the Cheshire Companions family. An exquisite leggy mature blonde escort.
Naomi makes herself available for playtime whenever she can, she really enjoys her job and it shows. We don’t think anyone has ever just met her once – how could you, look at that BODY!
We could talk about this glorious girl all day but let’s get down to the nitty-gritty – that’s why you’re here after all.
Naomi turns up to the office, looking every inch the sexy goddess, we’re getting hot under the collar already so let’s get asking those questions...
Q: What is the quickest way to your heart?
A: I am a massive fan of good banter; laughter is so sexy – food always helps too. Keeping those energy levels up is a must.
Q: What is your shoe size?
A: YSL or Chanel (gives me a cheeky little wink)
Q: Night in front of the fire or a wild night out?
A: Winter – night in, Summer – a night out. I like it hot… (wow…)
Q: Why Cheshire Companions?
A: There is no better agency. Cheshire Companions is the best.
Q: Tell us a joke you’ve heard recently?
A: What human body part is long, hard, bendable and contains the letters p,e,n i,s?
Answer: Spine (get your minds out of the gutter)
Q: Last thing you watched on Netflix?
A: Mindhunter because “How do we get ahead of crazy if we don’t know how crazy thinks”
Q: If you were a man for a day, what would be the first thing you’d do?
A: (Giggles to herself) Grab that ruler and get measuring. After that, I’d lock myself in a hotel for the night to “enjoy” myself, always wondered what it feels like for the opposite sex. Multiple times. I’d probably send a few cheeky “dick pics” out too. Sharing’s caring right boys?
Q: What do you find most attractive about each sex? Male? Female?
A: No question! Personality and character over anything else.
Q: What is something you’ve never done before that you’ve always wanted to do?
A: Live in the sun, pass me the Sangria.
Q: If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?
A: My cat – lives the life of luxury (we don’t think this is a euphemism lad…)
Q: What would your best friend say your best quality is?
A: I’ve just text her to ask and she said that it’s an impossible question.
Q: How would you candidly describe your personality in 2 words?
A: Passionate and Intense… (I wipe my brow as I type...)
We think Naomi kept it pretty tame, just enough to let us in but not enough to stop us being intrigued. If you would like the opportunity to meet this sexy senorita give our reception team a call today – we guarantee you will not be disappointed.
We want you to get involved. If you would like to ask any of our beautiful ladies a question, let us know. Who would you like to feature as our next Escort of the Week?
Don’t forget your feedback really helps, reviews are 100% confidential and it’s a great way of showing our ladies that they are appreciated.
For now, stay naughty.
Team CC xxx